4 hands massage

Massages performed by two massage artists “Soothing Intensity”


The massage performed by two masseuses, using two pairs of hands in a synchronised fashion, is an old and beautiful tradition.

The effect of the massage using four attentive and sensitive hands is unimaginable in its intensity and often exceeds our expectations. On the one hand tense muscles are being massaged with great care and “thirsty” cells gratefully receive every touch. On the other hand the mind relaxes even more quickly. Two pairs of hands leave such a big impression, that one can let oneself go very easily and the mind can switch off. After this type of massage the eyes of the recipient often look at us deeply moved and almost astonished. How rare is it that we experience a space with literally the double amount of tender love and care for our being?

The synchronised massage is a small piece of art because its choreography demands absolute presence, ability and loyalty. It is something very special and therefore a unique present to oneself or ones loved ones.

After the intensive massage we recommend taking time for some rest or for a nice meal in order to come back down to earth gently.

4 hand massage on oil skin.

The following massages are available as 4-hand-massages:


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